فارسی عربي


Cinema historical facts undusted

People normally presuppose movies to have been what they see today. However, the metamorphosis has gone through ups and downs, yielding what we know today as cinema. Here are some fun facts from the history of cinema.

1- Motion pictures were created almost 130 years ago. At that time, movies were boring, and simply included a single silent scene which was about a minute long.

2- At that time, the term “movies” did not mean films, but the people who made them. Early Hollywood locals would use it with disdain, to refer to who disliked the “invading” Easterners.

3- To make it more interesting, sometimes bands accompanied those moving pictures. But for a 21st century citizen it would be no fun sitting in a theatre while some random, everyday scenes scrolled by silently on a screen! To make up for the lack of sound in the film, a band would play live music while the movie ran.

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